To answer this question directly, there is no point. Of course there are many reasons why I am creating a blog, but there is no overlying theme here. In fact, this blog will be completely void of any theme whatsoever.
One reason for the creation of this blog is as a medium to prove to the people at IB, that I am indeed completing my CAS(creativity action service) requirements. Each post related to CAS will have an * next to it and will indicate that you may read at your own peril, but should only continue if my life's occurrences prove a great significance to you.
The remaining posts will vary from anything and everything and can range from a book review, to a college guide, to my thoughts on recent events. Most of the posts will attempt to be interesting and will display my very staunch position regarding several issues. Please feel free to challenge me as this will make my experience a whole lot more interesting.
So if you are a sports fan, a politician, economist, investor, IBer, high school student, college student or anything else for that matter, than take the time to read my blog. Basically, if you are anyone who is anyone than follow this blog because all the cool kids are doing it. And the beauty of irrelevance, is that it makes everything relevant once more. It makes sense the less you think about it.
-Ciao, Yousuf Hafuda